Lithuania’s proxy

Lithuanian proxies are highly popular due to the high quality of internet services and compliance with European Union data protection standards. Our proxy servers provide a stable and secure connection, giving you access to all online resources.

Unlimited 100 Mb/s+ speed
24/7 support
Targeting by city/operator
Custom Rotation by time

Choose suitable solution

Individual Proxies

Reliable and stable proxies for daily tasks

1.15$/per month


Unlimited 1 Gb/s+ speed

Residential Proxies

Proxies for those who care about global reach


More than 190 countries

Rotational and static

ISP Proxies

Residential IPs with no limits

1.9$/per month

Unlimited 100 Mb/s+ speed

Dedicated IPs


Multiple Regions


99% Uptime Guarantee


Award-Winning Support

Market intelligence

Ad verification

eCommerce marketplaces





Social media

Private Lithuanian IP addresses

We offer private IPv4 IP addresses that provide a high level of anonymity and security. A Lithuanian IP address helps avoid blocks and CAPTCHAs and protects your personal information from malicious actors.

Proxy types for any task

We offer a wide range of proxies for any task, ensuring high speed and reliability. Depending on your needs, you can choose:

  • Residential proxies: Access to IP addresses in 190 countries, including Lithuania, with options to select a city and provider. Both dynamic and static IPs are available.
  • Data center proxies: Suitable for tasks requiring unlimited traffic and fully static IP addresses.

Our proxies are ideal for:

  • Web browsing
  • Task automation
  • Social media operations
  • SEO
  • Cryptocurrency activities
  • Traffic arbitrage

All our proxy servers are optimized for maximum efficiency and reliability, supporting speeds up to 1 Gbps. Lithuanian proxies are available in SOCKS5 and HTTP protocols, allowing you to use them for a wide range of purposes.

How to buy Lithuanian proxies

To purchase Lithuanian proxies, follow these simple steps:

  1. Register on our website.
  2. Choose the appropriate tariff plan.
  3. Pay for the selected plan.

After payment, you will receive access to the proxy servers in the format ip:host:log:pass.

If you need to adjust the proxies to a specific format for your task, use our proxy formatting service.

We accept various payment methods: credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies.

Our proxy services are the best choice for those who value quality and reliability. Join our satisfied clients and enjoy.

Referral System with Lifetime Commissions

You will receive a 10% commission on the total purchases made by the individuals you refer. The more people you invite, the greater your earning potential becomes!


Earnings withdraw

Once your commissions reach $25, you can request a withdrawal in cryptocurrency. We believe in the future of digital currencies and want to provide you with flexibility and convenience.


Time limit for purchases

Individuals who receive your referral link will have 90 days from the date of the link to complete their purchase.


Collaboration with influencers

If you represent a project or are an influencer interested in partnering with us, we are ready to offer you individualized benefits, including increased comission and PRIORITY withdrawal.

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